Tip-In's are pages out of a book or text weight paper that has been cut to book size and Altered usually on a theme then added to anothe book (novel, encyclopedia or whatever) ...
Tip-In's are pages out of a book or text weight paper that has been cut to book size and Altered usually on a theme then added to anothe book (novel, encyclopedia or whatever) ... these are some I have done for an upcoming swap ....
My daughter and I are working on a Circle Journal and haveing a great time with it .... this is some of my work in the Journal there is a hidden tag with a special message for just her ...
As you can see I will alter anything … I decided to do a submission for Somerset Studio on the theme of Paris … when I found this rather plain dress form I couldn’t help but think of all of the wonderful dresses that have come from Paris over the centuries so I decided to take this and make it Paris ..... by adding layers of lace, ribbon, beads, charms & old costume jewelry I was able to come up with something I could see a designer presenting to her client in the mid 1800’s before the dress was constructed ….. turns out they used it in their July/August 2006 issue …… and also on their website http://www.stampington.com/html/ss_ja06_upclose.html
This is a tunnel effect using 4 spreads in a book … cutting the ovals out of the pages and cardstock to accent the ovals and highlighting an image on the last spread – this one happens to be an Iris …..